Friday, April 19, 2013

Quests and Saving the World

There are lots of things that I like about fantasy novels, both reading them and writing them. Characters can go to amazing places. There can be magic. Elves, dwarves and dragons are all commonplace. But one of my favourite things about fantasy novels is the quests.

Quests. Those epic adventures to find the solution to all their problems. Whether it’s a quest to kill a dragon, to find a magic gem, or, as in my novel, a magic tree made of living crystal. When a small group of people band together to go on a quest to save the world from a fate worse than death, how can we not cheer for them?

Frodo Baggins went on a big quest to throw the One Ring into the fires of Mount Doom. He and his small band of friends went across Middle Earth to save it from the powers of Sauron. One small band of friends to save the world. It seems impossible, but that just makes the end all the better when the small band defeats the mighty armies of the bad guys.

Quests, the perfect Q word for a fantasy lover like me. No wonder I write quests and read them. What are your favourite quests?


  1. Most stories have some kind of quest in them, even if it's just the character finding himself.

    1. Very true that. Characters finding themselves, epic quests across battle torn countries, I love them all.

  2. Yay for Q! Quests for the win! Unfortunately, quest stories only have about 3 different templates, so it's too easy to rip off some other story...

    1. I suppose it's all in the details then. You'd have to make the details your own. Originality and creativity for the win!

  3. Replies
    1. Me too. Fantasy seems to be the biggest genre for this sort of thing. Lucky us.
